
Displaying 51 - 75 of 2408
Name Date of Arrest Charges Race Sex Agesort descending Occupation Precinct Location of Arrest
Salvatore Serig July 07, 1900 Pilfering White Male 12 None 3 French Market, New Orleans, LA
Edwards Philips July 07, 1900 Loitering Colored Male 12 None 7 Bourbon St. and Carondolet St., New Orleans, LA
Fred Zimmer July 09, 1900 Illegal Swimming Colored Male 12 None 2 [illegible] and Howard Ave., New Orleans, LA
Maggie Raymonds July 17, 1900 Insult and Abuse White Female 12 None 9
Robert Morris July 20, 1900 Pilfering Colored Male 12 None 7 Toledano St. and Chestnut St., New Orleans, LA
Fanny Davis July 06, 1900 Peddling without License Colored Female 12 Peddler 8 Bermuda St. and Morgan St., New Orleans, LA
Thomas Adler July 16, 1900 Loitering Colored Male 12 None 11 Head of Thalia St., New Orleans, LA
Peter Saminary June 20, 1900 Illegal Swimming White Male 12 None 4 Carondelet Walk and St Claude Ave., New Orleans, LA
Stephen Robinson July 16, 1900 Dangerous and Suspicious Colored Male 12 None 6 Prytania St. and Washington Ave., New Orleans, LA
Harry Dalton July 18, 1900 Illegal Swimming White Male 12 None 11
William Neuridia July 20, 1900 Pilfering Colored Male 12 None 7 Toledano St. and Chestnut St., New Orleans, LA
John Price June 15, 1900 Loitering Colored Male 12 None 7 Nashville Ave. and Perrier St., New Orleans, LA
Edward Jenkins July 15, 1900 Gambling Colored Male 12 None 2 Thalia St. and St. Peters St., New Orleans, LA
[Illegilble] Rodrick July 07, 1900 Illegal Swimming White Male 12 Schoolboy 8 Head of Olivia St., New Orleans, LA
Jonathan Prytania July 18, 1900 Loitering Colored Male 12 None 4 St. Philip St. and Claiborne Ave., New Orleans, LA
John Rose July 21, 1900 Loitering, Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 12 None 5 Bourbon St. and Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA
Edward Minor June 25, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 12 None 6 St. Mary St. and St. Thomas St., New Orleans, LA
Joseph McQuinn July 01, 1900 Juvenile Vagrancy White Male 12 None 1 527 Howard Ave., New Orleans, LA
Hugo Herman June 24, 1900 Malicious Mischief White Male 13 None 6 First St. and Carondolet St., New Orleans, LA
Henry Royal June 25, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 13 None 6 St. Mary St. and St. Thomas St., New Orleans, LA
Charles Lane July 03, 1900 Larceny, Grand White Male 13 None 1 Dante St. and New Basin, New Orleans, LA
Walter Davis July 04, 1900 Illegal Swimming Colored Male 13 None 4 Miro St., and Carondelet Walk, New Orleans, LA
William H Fields July 15, 1900 Illegal Swimming Colored Male 13 Schoolboy 2 [illegible] and Howard Ave., New Orleans, LA
Willis Washington July 17, 1900 Larceny, Petty Colored Male 13 None 5 Esplanade Ave. and N. Peters St., New Orleans, LA
Joseph Holmes July 03, 1900 Illegal Swimming Colored Male 13 None 4 Johnson St., New Orleans, LA

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    University of Georgia
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