
Displaying 151 - 175 of 2408
Name Date of Arrest Charges Race Sex Agesort descending Occupation Precinct Location of Arrest
Lena Anderson July 20, 1900 Vagrancy Colored Male 15 None 5 1129 Teche St., New Orleans, LA
Oscar Benoit July 21, 1900 Disturbing the Peace, Obscene Language Colored Male 15 None 4 St. Philip St. and Prieur St., New Orleans, LA
Leopold Sellinger July 28, 1900 Exposing their Person White Male 15 Newsboy 1 Poydras St. and Magazine St., New Orleans, LA
Charles Mack July 17, 1900 Dangerous and Suspicious Colored Male 15 Laborer 11 Head of Toulouse St., New Orleans, LA
Henry Donaldson July 18, 1900 Disturbing the Peace White Male 15 None 7 Delachaise St. and Dryades St., New Orleans, LA
Johnnie Walters July 04, 1900 Illegal Swimming White Male 15 None 4 Miro St., and Carondelet Walk, New Orleans, LA
Joseph Gitera July 13, 1900 Assault and Battery Colored Male 15 Laborer 1 Franklin St. and Lafayette St., New Orleans, LA
Alida Braxton July 19, 1900 Juvenile Vagrancy Colored Female 15 None 1 Supeintendent's Office, New Orleans, LA
Charles Stewart July 20, 1900 Dangerous and Suspicious Colored Male 15 None 2 Howard Ave. and Loyola Ave., New Orleans, LA
Alena Ball July 09, 1900 Juvenile Vagrancy White Female 15 None 4 Rampart St. and Conti St., New Orleans, LA
Rosa Dyer July 23, 1900 Prostitution ("Lewd Woman") Colored Female 15 Servant 6 Washington Ave. and Annunciation St., New Orleans, LA
John Wilson July 26, 1900 Loitering Colored Male 15 None 7 Claiborne Ave. and Palmer Ave., New Orleans, LA
Henry Clay July 01, 1900 Illegal Swimming Colored Male 15 None 1 Julia St. and Franklin St., New Orleans, LA
Louis Deblieux July 04, 1900 Illegal Swimming White Male 15 None 4 Caroldolet Walk and St. Claude Ave., New Orleans, LA
Joe Hubbard July 20, 1900 Larceny, Petty Colored Male 15 None 3 Royal St. and Dumaine St., New Orleans, LA
Philip Cain July 03, 1900 Loitering Colored Male 15 None 6 Third St. and Dryades St., New Orleans, LA
Charles Joseph July 07, 1900 Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 15 None 4 Robertson St. and St. Louis St., New Orleans, LA
Thomas Oaks July 07, 1900 Jumping on Trains White Male 15 None 11 Canal St., New Orleans, LA
Mamie Lewis June 27, 1900 Vagrancy Colored Female 15 Prostitute 3 Bienville St. and Dauphine St., New Orleans, LA
Edward Wilson July 10, 1900 Insult and Abuse, Disturbing the Peace White Male 15 None 7 St. Charles Ave. and Marengo St., New Orleans, LA
Rosie Young July 18, 1900 Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 15 Servant 5 St. Anthony St. and Derbigny St., New Orleans, LA
Peter Robinson July 18, 1900 Loitering Colored Male 15 None 11 Canal St. and Badine St. E, New Orleans, LA
Oliver Russet July 19, 1900 Larceny, Petty White Male 15 None 8 [Illegible]
George Nipper July 22, 1900 Gambling White Male 15 Boot Black 3 St. Peters St. and Royal St., New Orleans, LA
Pleasant McClean July 23, 1900 Jumping on Trains Colored Male 15 None 11 Levee head Girod St., New Orleans, LA

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    University of Georgia
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  • 706-542-2053
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