
Displaying 101 - 125 of 2408
Name Date of Arrest Charges Racesort descending Sex Age Occupation Precinct Location of Arrest
Rosetta Golden July 17, 1900 Peddling without License Colored Female 21 Peddler 6 Eighth St. and Camp St., New Orleans, LA
Malinda Jackson July 12, 1900 Drunk and Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 29 Servant 3 Chartres St. and Foucher St., New Orleans, LA
Harry P McCray June 20, 1900 Murder Colored Male 22 Laborer 2 South Basin St. between Tulane Ave. and Gravier St., New Orleans, LA
Isabella Gibson June 25, 1900 Vagrancy Colored Female 18 Prostitute 3 Canal St. and Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA
Fannie Armstrong July 25, 1900 Drunk and Disturbing the Peace, Prostitution ("Lewd Woman") Colored Female 34 Prostitute 4 Iberville St. and Liberty St., New Orleans, LA
Jessie White July 09, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 23 Prostitute 4 Iberville St. and Franklin St., New Orleans, LA
Jennie Webster July 27, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 25 Servant 5 La Harpe St. and Claiborne Ave., New Orleans, LA
Benjamin Willis July 07, 1900 Sunday Law, Fighting, Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 22 Laborer 8 439 Wagner St., New Orleans, LA
Fanny Davis July 06, 1900 Peddling without License Colored Female 12 Peddler 8 Bermuda St. and Morgan St., New Orleans, LA
Hall Rosa June 30, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 34 Prostitute 3 Burgundy St. and Toulouse St., New Orleans, LA
Sarah Williams July 14, 1900 Assault and Battery Colored Female 12 None 1 Dryades St. and Gravier St., New Orleans, LA
Green Jackson June 28, 1900 Larceny, Petty Colored Male 11 None 6 2820 Saratoga St., New Orleans, LA
Peter Randel July 20, 1900 Dangerous and Suspicious Colored Male 26 Laborer 8 Brooklyn Ave. and De Armas St., New Orleans, LA
Lizzie Braxton July 16, 1900 Insanity Colored Female 20 Housekeeper 5
Susie Stewart June 17, 1900 Disturbing the Peace, Obscene Language Colored Female 35 Servant 1 Baronne St. and Lafayette St., New Orleans, LA
Charles Baptiste July 02, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 24 Laborer 5 Milneburg, New Orleans, LA
James L Edwards July 15, 1900 Illegal Swimming Colored Male 13 Schoolboy 2 [illegible]. and Howard Ave., New Orleans, LA
Alfred Charles July 22, 1900 Traffic Violation Colored Male 17 Laborer 3 Rampart St. and Dumaine St., New Orleans, LA
Frank Wood July 01, 1900 Drunk Colored Male 33 Laborer 1 Canal St. and Rampart St., New Orleans, LA
Ida Ellis June 29, 1900 Dangerous and Suspicious Colored Female 30 Housekeeper 8
Alfred Forrester June 27, 1900 Break and Enter Colored Male 20 Laborer 6 Prieur St. and Washington Ave., New Orleans, LA
John Green July 12, 1900 Interfering with Officer Colored Male 41 Laborer 11 Calliope St. and Decatur St., New Orleans, LA
Alcee Milton June 20, 1900 Malicious Mischief, Disturbing the Peace, Obscene Language, Insult and Abuse Colored Female 30 Laborer 7 219 Morgan St., New Orleans, LA
August Neaiseger July 24, 1900 Drunk and Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 28 Fireman 11 Levee Head St. Andrew
Benwood Moody July 29, 1900 Loitering Colored Male 19 Laborer 9 Carollton Ave. and Decatur St., New Orleans, LA

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    University of Georgia
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