
Displaying 1 - 25 of 2408
Name Date of Arrest Charges Race Sex Agesort descending Occupation Precinct Location of Arrest
Alexander Pinny July 15, 1900 Drunk Colored Male Laborer 5 Kerlerec St. and Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA
Mattie Webb July 27, 1900 Drunk and Disturbing the Peace White Female 6 Jackson Ave. and Coliseum St., New Orleans, LA
Warner Louis June 29, 1900 Other Colored Male Laborer 7 2036 Jena St., New Orleans
Charles Mabel July 19, 1900 Drunk White Male Laborer 6 Jackson Ave. and Magazine St., New Orleans, LA
Richard Smithson July 12, 1900 Loitering White Male Laborer 4 Beauregard Square, New Orleans, LA
Gustave Manual June 27, 1900 Larceny, Petty Colored Male Laborer 5 Elysian Fields Ave. and St. Claude Ave., New Orleans, LA
Turner Michael June 27, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace White Male Laborer 7 219 Morgan St., New Orleans, LA
Mack McGuinness June 25, 1900 Loitering White Male Laborer 3 Jackson Square, New Orleans, LA
Steve O'Donnell July 28, 1900 Drunk and Disturbing the Peace White Male 1 Basin St. and Tulane Ave., New Orleans, LA
Rosellia Edward June 29, 1900 Juvenile Vagrancy Colored Female 7 None 3 Canal St. and Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA
Joseph Roland July 21, 1900 Insult and Abuse White Male 7 Schoolboy 8 139 Pelican Ave., New Orleans, LA
Henry Lands July 07, 1900 Vagabonds, Juvenile Colored Male 8 None 8 Head of Morgan St., New Orleans, LA
Frank St. John July 07, 1900 Pilfering White Male 9 None 3 French Market, New Orleans, LA
Jules Loop July 14, 1900 Jumping on Trains Colored Male 9 None 5 Elysian Fields and Rampart St., New Orleans, LA
Willie Williams June 29, 1900 Pilfering Colored Male 9 None 10 Lopez St. and Banks St., New Orleans, LA
Joseph Richie June 25, 1900 Juvenile Vagrancy Colored Male 9 None 1 Basin St. and Tulane Ave., New Orleans, LA
Frank Reno July 09, 1900 Malicious Mischief White Male 10 Schoolboy 2 1525 Dryades St., New Orleans, LA
Ferdinand Meyer July 23, 1900 Other White Male 10 None 2 Dryades Market, New Orleans, LA
August Santiago July 12, 1900 Juvenile Vagrancy Colored Male 10 None 4 Marais St. and Orleans St., New Orleans, LA
Joseph Miller July 15, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 10 None 1 Palmyra St. and Tonti St., New Orleans, LA
Charles Rapids June 18, 1900 Illegal Swimming Colored Male 10 None 11 Head of Robin St., New Orleans, LA
Henry Givens June 28, 1900 Juvenile Vagrancy, Pilfering White Male 10 None 11 St. Ann St., New Orleans, LA
Augustus Reed July 01, 1900 Illegal Swimming Colored Male 10 None 1 Julia St. and Franklin St., New Orleans, LA
Sidney Neuridia July 20, 1900 Pilfering Colored Male 11 None 7 Toledano St. and Chestnut St., New Orleans, LA
Austin J White July 15, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 11 None 1 Palmyra St. and Tonti St., New Orleans, LA

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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