
Displaying 176 - 200 of 2408
Namesort descending Date of Arrest Charges Race Sex Age Occupation Precinct Location of Arrest
Buddy Blanchard June 17, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 23 Laborer 4 Hospital St. and Rocheblave St., New Orleans, LA
Buddy Blanchard July 23, 1900 Break and Enter Colored Male 24 Laborer 4 St. Louis St. and Prieur St., New Orleans, LA
Edgar Blanchard June 25, 1900 Discharging Firearms White Male 39 [Illegible] 5
Blanco Y Blanco July 01, 1900 Drunk, Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 36 Laborer 1 Basin St. and Tulane Ave., New Orleans, LA
George Bland June 21, 1900 Assault and Battery Colored Male 20 Laborer 1 Franklin St. and Gravier St., New Orleans, LA
Cornelius Blands June 19, 1900 Breach of Trust Colored Male 25 None 2 Dryades St. and Howard Ave., New Orleans, LA
George C Blank July 26, 1900 Discharging Firearms White Male 46 Fisherman 1 Chartres St. and St. Peter St., New Orleans, LA
Susie Blank July 01, 1900 Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 37 Housekeeper 1 725 Dryades St., New Orleans, LA
Walter S Blardone June 23, 1900 Assault and Battery, Capias White Male 18 Laborer 3 St Ann St. and North Peters St., New Orleans, LA
Batiste Blaze June 16, 1900 Gambling Colored Male 17 None 5 Marais St. and Frenchman St., New Orleans, LA
Josephine Bleno July 22, 1900 Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 41 Clerk 1 Franklin St. and Tulane Ave., New Orleans, LA
Carrie Bloodsoe July 16, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 28 Prostitute 4 219 Franklin St., New Orleans, LA
Albert Bloom June 17, 1900 Stabbing Colored Male 23 Cooper 6 Phillip St. and Saratoga St., New Orleans, LA
Joseph Blue June 22, 1900 Capias Colored Male 26 Laborer 2 Dryades Market, New Orleans, LA
Robert M Blum July 23, 1900 Drunk and Disturbing the Peace, Fighting White Male 36 Carpenter 7 Tchoupitoulas St. and Foucher St., New Orleans, LA
Henry Blum July 28, 1900 Violating City Ordinances (other) White Male 41 [Illegible] 3 1241 Decatur St., New Orleans, LA
Mark Boatner July 13, 1900 Fighting, Disturbing the Peace Colored Male 18 Laborer 6 Philip St. and Liberty St., New Orleans, LA
George Boffinger July 16, 1900 Loitering Colored Male 21 Laborer 11 Head of Bienville St, New Orleans, LA
Albert Bofield July 26, 1900 Drunk, Violating Move On Ordinance White Male 23 Driver 3 Barracks St. and Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA
Albert Bofil June 25, 1900 Insult and Abuse, Disturbing the Peace White Male 22 Driver 5
Albert Bofil July 18, 1900 Disturbing the Peace White Male 23 Teamster 5
Dora Bohannan June 25, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace White Female 20 Housekeeper 7 Head of Valence St., New Orleans, LA
Charles C Bohannon June 29, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace White Male 31 Junk Dealer 7 Cadiz St. and Levee, New Orleans, LA
John Bolden July 21, 1900 Dangerous and Suspicious Colored Male 26 Stabler 5 St. Anthony St. and Claiborne Ave., New Orleans, LA
Emile Bonaugineus July 18, 1900 Disturbing the Peace White Male 41 Laborer 3 Royal St. and St. Philip St., New Orleans, LA

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    University of Georgia
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