
Displaying 1 - 25 of 2408
Name Date of Arrest Charges Race Sexsort descending Age Occupation Precinct Location of Arrest
Amos J Ford July 23, 1900 Drunk Colored 35 Undertaker 5 Bagatelle St. and Rampart St., New Orleans, LA
Mathilda Miller July 16, 1900 Insult and Abuse White Female 24 Housekeeper 7 219 Morgan St., New Orleans, LA
[Unable to give name] July 23, 1900 Vagrancy White Female 80 None 5 Elysian Fields Ave. and Villere St., New Orleans, LA
Emma Blackman July 18, 1900 Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 28 Housekeeper 7 219 Morgan St., New Orleans, LA
Annie Joseph June 11, 1900 Insult and Abuse, Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 32 Cook 3
Rosie Stein July 10, 1900 Prostitution ("Lewd Woman") White Female 30 Housekeeper 1 1520 Gasquet St., New Orleans, LA
Mrs. Olive Antonine July 01, 1900 Other White Female 35 Fortune Teller 9 219 Morgan St., New Orleans, LA
Mary Logan July 25, 1900 Drunk White Female 45 None 3 Royal St. and Dumaine St., New Orleans, LA
Marie Ford June 29, 1900 Disturbing the Peace White Female 27 Prostitute 4 Conti St. and Marais St., New Orleans, LA
Ada Jessie July 20, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 38 Housekeeper 1 521 Dryades St., New Orleans, LA
Annie Gant July 28, 1900 Murder, Accessory to Colored Female 40 Housekeeper 2 Saratoga St. and Clio St., New Orleans, LA
Alice Williams July 23, 1900 Disturbing the Peace, Using Obscene Language, Dangerous and Suspicious Colored Female 24 Servant 6 Washington Ave. and Annunciation St., New Orleans, LA
Mollie Washington June 17, 1900 Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 28 Laundress 6 First St. and Saratoga St., New Orleans, LA
Alice Hickey June 16, 1900 Drunk, Disturbing the Peace, Obscene Language White Female 28 Prostitute 4 Basin St. and Bienville St., New Orleans, LA
Josephine Bennett July 15, 1900 Drunk and Disturbing the Peace Colored Female 25 Servant 5 Frenchmen St. and Urquhart St., New Orleans, LA
[Illegible] Cody July 05, 1900 Prostitution ("Lewd Woman") White Female 34 Prostitute 1 1419 Gasquet St., New Orleans, LA
Alida Braxton July 19, 1900 Juvenile Vagrancy Colored Female 15 None 1 Supeintendent's Office, New Orleans, LA
Mamie Dean June 23, 1900 Drunk, Prostitution ("Lewd Woman") White Female 46 Prostitute 4 Iberville St. and Franklin St., New Orleans, LA
Mrs. John Marquez July 02, 1900 Insult and Abuse, Disturbing the Peace White Female 60 Housekeeper 10 3341 Canal St., New Orleans, LA
Mary Smith July 01, 1900 Fighting and Disturbing the Peace White Female 31 Housekeeper 3 Toulouse St. corner Chartres St., New Orleans, LA
Ollie McNair July 16, 1900 Drunk, Resisting Arrest, Prostitution ("Lewd Woman"), Violating City Ordinances (other) Colored Female 17 Prostitute 1 Gasquet St. and Franklin St., New Orleans, LA
Madeline Garver July 26, 1900 Loitering Colored Female 47 None 2 Calliope St. and Camp St., New Orleans, LA
Mamie Lewis June 27, 1900 Vagrancy Colored Female 15 Prostitute 3 Bienville St. and Dauphine St., New Orleans, LA
Nellie Armstrong July 23, 1900 Violating Move On Ordinance, Prostitution ("Lewd Woman") White Female 23 Housekeeper 3 937 Iberville St., New Orleans, LA
Henrietta Wilson July 12, 1900 Prostitution ("Lewd Woman") Colored Female 35 W W 4 Bienville St. and Franklin St., New Orleans, LA

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    University of Georgia
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