Viol ord 13974 cs rel to loitering
Shooting and wounding
Vio ord 3134 Keeping open barroom
Viol ord #13974 Rel to Loitering
Discharging fir arms in City Limits also Vio ord 5607 CS Relt to carrying Concealed Weapon to wit a loaded revolver
Vio ord 3134 CS Article 244 relt to keeping his barroom open in disobedience to the Mayor Proclamation
Drunk and Disturbing the Peace also vio ord 5607 Relt to carrying a concealed weapon to wit a Drik
Vio Ord 5607 C.S. Rel to carrying a concealed weapon to wit a loaded revolver. Committing a breach of the peace and disturbing the public peace
Drunk and Disturbing the peace
Disturbing the Peace
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